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The Marketing RV Podcast with Ranalli and Volpe

Oct 30, 2019


Lorraine is not recording in a tunnel, although it sounds like she is. Episode 33 of Marketing RV with Ranalli & Volpe is a video podcast focused on Gene’s impending trip to Disney where he will present the marketing angle at Agent of Excellence training in the Disney Institute.

Monica Shay, Gene’s client...

Oct 10, 2019


Seth Lejeune is a realtor, marketer, writer, podcaster, and Renaissance man. Keep your eyes on this guy. He was also the featured guest on Episode 32 of Marketing RV with Ranalli & Volpe. Broadcasting from Nick’s Roast Beef in West Chester, Pa., on a weekday afternoon, Seth came onto the show because he has...

Oct 4, 2019

031 – John Jam and the Real Estate Market 



John “Jam” Jamgochian is the featured guest in episode 31 of Marketing RV with Ranalli & Volpe. With a refreshing approach to real estate sales, Jam unveiled the secrets to thriving in the market amid rapid changes over three decades. What he did not say but...