Feb 19, 2019
On one hand, our Marketing RV hosts think the internet should be completely free from government regulation. Actually, that’s the only hand that matters to both Ranalli and Volpe. They do recognize, however, that none are immune from making stupid decisions based on influencers. So maybe the solution is...
Feb 12, 2019
When marketing our businesses, it is easy to use the tools with which we are most comfortable. However, as Lorraine constantly stresses in her writing and soft skills training courses, it is always best to cater to the audience by communicating in their preferred style. The concept seems obvious. Often businesses or...
Feb 4, 2019
There are two common mistakes made regarding marketing: incorporating it after establishing a business rather than making it an integral part of a business plan and placing it first on the chopping block during rough fiscal spells. Ranalli and Volpe advise otherwise. It is always important to make marketing a priority...